So for people who want to see how is Zoo deck look Photo Below :
Skeleton Army/Minion Horde or Minion Horde/Skeleton Giant or Skeleton Army
These will save you from cards like witches and things that do AOE but againsts wizards you will needSkeleton King. Early game when they play a Wizard or Witch try to play a Skeleton King in front of them to make them walk on your bomb .If your using Skeleton Army/Minion You will have to either take some damage and play Minion Horde behind or use Freeze Spell.
Barbarian/Goblin Huts and TombStone
These three buildings right now are the only buildings that deploy minions but there all very powerful since they can stop the enemies early game deploying cards like wizard,witch,andminions with AOE orSkeleton King and Giant.
Archers OR anything that shoots air
Anything like Archers that can shoot air will help since 2/3 of your huts are melee and yourBarbariansare trying to have the least damage on them so they will have the highest tank potential when taking a tower through mid to late. There is also cards likeValkyrie and Wizard that will try to target your meleeminions first so having a ranged minion from behind will help.For more damage to the enemy you can use this slot for Goblin Barrel.
Zap OR Arrows and Fireball OR Freeze spell
These removal spells will help against early game aggros and reduce the deaths of minions you have and help removing enemy AOE that make this deck fall really fast like Wizards and Valkyrie .Freeze will stopWizards and Witches from spawning and Arrows or ZAP will stop goblin barrelsfrom dealing maximum damage to your base.
Early Game :
Try to play as many huts and tombstones.If you dont have one in your hand play something cheap until you get a hut or tombstone.If opponent is going for early aggro orWitch + Giant/Wizard combo playfreeze or removal like Skeleton king or small archers.
Mid Game :
If you acquired board and his tower is swarmed with ally minions or its destroyed try to play yourMinion Horde and put tombstone in the front bridge .Constantly play huts until late game for final spam.
Late Game :
Havent destroyed tower? Start cycling Minion Horde,Skeleton Army,and all minions you have in your deck.If you destroyed his tower play tombstone in his base so more minions attack his king tower and enemy minions will have to kill more minions also play Archers and your Minion Hordein his base so you have more damage to enemy King Tower and to kill AOE minions.
Create your own Zoo Deck here.This is a tier list for which cards are good .
Tier 0
- Barbarian Hut
- Goblin Hut
- Tombstone
Tier 1
- Fireball
- Skeleton Army
- Zap
- Arrow
- Spear Goblin
- Freeze Spell
- Minion Horde
- Archer
- Giant Skeleton
- Witches
- Barbarians
- Bomber
- Golems
- Mirror
- Wizards
Tier 2
- Cannon
- X-bow
- Goblin Barrel
- Balloon
- Lightning spell
- Rage Spell
- Inferno Tower
- Rocket
- Bomb Tower
- Mortar
- Hog Rider
- Tesla
- Knight
- Prince
- Valkyrie
- Musketeer
Tier 3
- Everything else
Tier Legend
- Help your deck in alot of ways
- Core Cards that you must put in if you have those
- Super slow and bad
- Help out sometimes throughout the game
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